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ESdat Electronic Lab Data Format 4

ESdat Electronic Lab Data Format:

The purpose of the ESdat Electronic Lab Data Format (ELDF) is to enable transfer of results from a laboratory to ESdat users in a format which allows validation and direct import into ESdat.

Other file formats that facilitate advanced integration of eCOC and eSRN information between the laboratory and ESdat are also available. See LSPECS Integration

ELDF 4 extends ELDF 2e in order to accommodate additional QA information. To upgrade from ELDF2e to ELDF see Converting ELDF 2e to ELDF 4

ELDF files:

The ELDF files contain laboratory report, sample and result information, including comprehensive quality assurance data. The ELDF consists of three files:

Header File

Sample File

Chemistry File (which contains the results).

The file names are of the format: Project Name as provided by the users; a full stop; a laboratory file identifier; a full stop; the text “ESdatHeader”, “ESdatSample4” or “ESdatChemistry4” as appropriate and the file extension (“.xml” or “.csv” as appropriate). An example of a file set would be




COC and COA in PDF Format as well as other files usually provided by the laboratory.

Header File:

The Header File xml specifications are fully described here.

Sample File:

Within the csv export files Line 1 lists the data fields, line 2 and onwards contains the data for those fields:
One record for each field and laboratory sample.
*The SampleCode should be constructed using the following syntax. [Lab_Report_Number]_[LabSampleID]. Other methods may also be used so long as each Sample (even Samples reported in a different Report) have a unique SampleCode which is < 40 characters
** The records in the file should be sorted by Sample_Type DESC.  This means the "Normal" samples will appear first.  A secondary sort should be by Field_ID ASC. 

Chemistry File:

Within the csv export files Line 1 lists the data fields, line 2 and onwards contains the data for those fields:
One record for each result.
Primary Key Field Description Req'd Data Type

“<” or “>”


List of
T (Total)
F (Filtered)


Restricted to:
REG (regular result)
Calc (calculated result)
leached_REG (regular leached results)
SUR (Surrogate)
leached_SUR (leached surrogate)
SC (Spike Compound)
SC (Spike Compound Duplicate)



Etc as indicated on the CoC.

If a suitable value isn’t available then the name of the Method is most suitable, ie for the method “EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES”, the Name “Total Metals by ICP-AES” or similar would be most suitable.

*The Lab_Qualifier may be populated with a data qualifier (U,J,J+,J-,R,UJ) as described in various USEPA documents, for example: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-06/documents/g8-final.pdf, / Data Qualifier Definitions

** Multiple Lab Qualifiers to be separated with a semi colon ";"

File Format

The fields and data in the csv files may optionally be surrounded by quotation marks.

Leachate Tests

Leaching test results are not given a separate SampleCode, (i.e., are not treated as a separate sample). Results are indicated in the chemistry file and are identified in the Result_Type field.

Date Formats

Dates should be in the format dd mmm yyyy (e.g., 3 Jan 2007). This avoids confusion between users with different regional settings. If time is included, it should be hh:mm AM/PM.

Tentatively Identified Compounds

Tentatively Identified Compounds should be reported with the ChemCode of the TIC and be identified as such in the Comments field of the chemistry file. If the laboratory is using lab qualifiers a suitable lab qualifier should be reported.

Text Results

Asbestos and some other analyses are often reported as text. Only specific analyses can be reported as text. Including text in the result column for analyte concentration will result in an import error.

The EQL and the detection limit units should remain as normal where available, for example, 1 g/kg.

Aborted Analysis

Aborted analyses can be reported, a value of -999 should be entered as a result, and a comment entered into the comments field in the Results file.

Laboratory QA Samples

Laboratory QA Samples should report the results for each Analysis Batch for which they relate, thus if a QC sample is applicable for multiple Analysis Batches the results of that Sample should be reported for all Analysis Batch IDs for which they are applicable. Typically, field QA samples such as field duplicates, rinsates, and some field or trip spikes will be applicable to the data and not known to the laboratory. The laboratory will report these results as per all other field samples and the QA type will be specified for those samples by ESdat users.

Matrix Spikes

The Sample Type should be reported as MS.
The SampleCode of the pre-spike sample is indicated in the Parent Sample Column.
The results should be reported as per all Spike results, i.e.:
The % recovery should be reported in the Result column with Result Units of '%' and Result Type specified as MS. The Spike Concentration should be reported in the Spike_Concentration column and the Spike Measurement reported in the Spike_Measurement column. The Spike units should be reported in the Spike_Units column.

Laboratory Control Sample, Certified Reference Material, Standard Reference Material

The Sample Type should be reported as LCS, CRM, or SRM as appropriate.
The results should be reported as per all Spike results, i.e.:
The % recovery should be reported in the Result column with Result Units of '%' and Result Type specified as MS. The Spike Concentration should be reported in the Spike_Concentration column and the Spike Measurement reported in the Spike_Measurement column. The Spike units should be reported in the Spike_Units column.

Matrix Spike Duplicates and Laboratory Control Sample Duplicates

The sample type should be reported as MS_D or LCS_D as appropriate.
The SampleCode of the primary matrix spike sample is indicated in the parent sample column.
The results should be reported as per all Spike results, i.e.:
The % recovery should be reported in the Result column with Result Units of '%' and Result Type specified as MS. The spike concentration should be reported in the Spike_Concentration column and the spike measurement reported in the Spike_Measurement column. The spike units should be reported in the Spike_Units column.

Trip, Method and Storage Blanks

The sample type should be reported as Trip_B, MB or SB as appropriate.
The results should be reported as normally measured concentrations.

Trip Spikes

The Sample Type should be reported as Trip_S.
The results should be reported as per all Spike results, i.e.:
The % recovery should be reported in the Result column with Result Units of '%' and Result Type specified as MS. The Spike Concentration should be reported in the Spike_Concentration column and the Spike Measurement reported in the Spike_Measurement column. The Spike units should be reported in the Spike_Units column.

Laboratory QC Performed on Other Clients' Field Samples.

If the lab duplicate or matrix spike used for analysis batch QC is on a field sample from another client, the QC results on the parent and duplicate or spiked sample should still be reported.
The field ID and depth and any client-provided information for these samples should not be reported.
The sample type of the Parent Sample should be set to NCP (Non-Client Parent).

Laboratory Duplicates

The sample type should be reported as Lab_D or Lab_T for laboratory duplicates or triplicates.
The SampleCode of the parent sample should be reported in the Parent_Sample column.
The results should be reported as normally measured concentrations.

Copyright 2005

The ESdat ELDF Format is a continuously maintained and evolving proprietary format for receipt of laboratory results by organizations with an active ESdat maintenance agreement, account, or subscription and the subsequent processing, storage, or other use without limitation. 

Copyright in the ESdat ELDF Format and the reference lists used in conjunction with the Format reside with EarthScience Information Systems Pty Ltd. 

Third-party software or other organizations wishing to use the ESdat ELDF Format for other commercial or bespoke software should contact EScIS to arrange a license agreement.

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