ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data

ESdat V 4 Knowledge Base

Labs and Lab Quotes

To use LSPECS and Plan and send Laboratory Requests you need to first have Laboratory information entered.

The following basic information needs to be entered for each Laboratory.

  • Lab name:                The full name for the Laboratory
  • Lab code:                  A abbreviated reference code for the lab.  
  • Hide:                         There is an option to hide this lab from usage in Monitoring Rounds.
  • Lab Request Email:  The email address that all electronic requests are sent to for processing by the lab.

The container and analysis lists loaded for a laboratory are loaded with a “Lab Quote”.  Typically a Lab Quote will contain a list of Analyses (or group of analyses) that have been previously agreed between the sampling organisation and the Laboratory.  Standard / Blanket quotes (or essentially a full list of all analyses a lab can do at their standard book price) can also be used in LSPECS if available from the Laboratory.

Laboratory quotes can be imported as an eQuote file if the laboratory is able to provide the information in this format.   Alternatively information can be entered manually, using the “+ Create Quote” button.  Once entered it will be listed as below.


Opening a Quote will show the detailed information, such as is shown below.  Analyses are specified as either a Group or a Suite.   A Group is a grouping of Suites and is commonly used to simplify analysis requests.  LSPECS users can select either a Group or a Suite in an Analysis Request, and may also be able to select individual analytes if the Laboratory can facilitate that for the Suite (the “Can Sub Select” tick box indicates if that is available).  Detection and Quantiation limits and other information is available for each Analyte.


If users are manually entering quote information the above detail isn’t available.  Users can only enter Group and Suite Names, the price and the required containers.

Your own Analysis and Container Lists

An organisation may wish to use their own Analysis and Container Lists in Laboratory Requests, rather than a list supplied by a laboratory.

A “Laboratory” named “Internal” or “Generic” will by default be available in the Laboratories listing.  Your internal lists can be created against this “Laboratory”


To create your own generic listing of Analyses and Containers you need to create an Quote against this laboratory.  This is done via the “+ Create Quote” button and creating the Analysis Groups & Suites that you need.


When planning a Monitoring Round or defining a Lab Submission the Internal List is always given underneath the list for the specific Lab Quote being used.
