ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data

ESdat V 4 Knowledge Base


Locations represent a monitoring point at a Site where data is collected.  

Specifying Locations for your Samples is necessary if you want to:

  • View data on Maps,
  • View data as Graphs
  • Filter for all samples at a Location

Locations can be added and edited in various places in the Application including:

  • One at a time in Sites, the Field Portal, Lab Report Details
  • A Bulk Import in Import / Update / Export or the DMM.

Locations have the associated details shown below.


Most of the details are self-explanatory, for others the details are given below.

Co-ordinate Systemwill accept either Lat/Long or a different system specified for the Site
Location Typeis a configurable Drop-Down and can be used to differentiate Surface Water, Groundwater and Borehole locations.
Purposeis a configurable Drop-Down and can be used to identify the reason for monitoring this location (eg Upgradient, Downgradient, Background, Discharge).
Asset Codecan be used to enter an identifier for the location used in an asset management system.
Location Codeis a code that uniquely identifies a Location within a site.  The next value can be automatically generated using the Site Prefix (if applicable), Monitoring Zone Prefix (if applicable) and Location Type (eg. BH01, BH02 etc..).
Alternative Nameis another name used to identify this location, potentially in the past or in common usage.
WellsOne or more Wells (ie piezometers) can be associated with a location, and details such as TOC, Screen Interval and Base depths entered.  The default Well ID is a – and should only be changed if you have nested wells with multiple screened intervals.

Acceptance / Rejection

When Locations are first created they are not Accepted.   Project and Site Managers will receive a Notification that a new Location has been created, and can review and Accept or Reject it.  Accepted Locations can’t be edited, unless you are a Project or Site Manager.

A Location is Accepted or Rejected by reviewing the Location Details and clicking the Accept or Reject button while viewing the details.  They can also be accepted in bulk in Import / Update / Export or the DMM.


If a new location replicates one already in the system it can be rejected and the data reassigned to the existing location. When a Location is Rejected its associated data must be reallocated to another location. 

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