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your environmental data

LSPECS Overview

Managers who need to plan, allocate and review field data collection or sampling programs can use the LSPECS module for ESdat. 

LSPECS simplifies the creation of sampling programs into the following easy steps:

  1. Define your Monitoring Plan:
    • Locations to be visited; 
    • who will visit each location and 
    • data to be collected.
  2. Create a recurring Schedule if applicable.
  3. Receive Notifications and Status updates for all active Monitoring Rounds.
  4. Review the Field Data collected and Laboratory Submissions.
  5. Review the Laboratory Results received.
  6. Approve the Round as completed.

 A typical workflow is illustrated below.


Usage of LSPECS revolves around the concept of Monitoring Rounds, which represent a single round of sampling or location visits.  A Monitoring Round can encompass a combination of groundwater, air, surface water, dust and other kinds of sampling. 

Monitoring Rounds can be auto-generated from recurring Schedules or created independently for one off events.  In the field (Using the ESdat Field App or PLog) users can deviate from the plan to visit additional Locations or create new Sampling Locations as required.

Many organisations have a combination of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterley or annual rounds and the quarterley round (for example) may replace a weekly round but be more extensive.  LSPECS supports this through a concept called “co-scheduling”, where a high frequency schedule (for example weekly) can be “co-scheduled” into a more extensive round (for example quarterley).

LSPECS has two main sections “Monitoring Rounds” and “Laboratories”.  Users access to these sections is governed by their LSPECS roles.

The Monitoring Rounds section is further broken down into:

  • Your Active Monitoring Rounds:  The Rounds you are currently managing or completing.
  • All Monitoring Rounds:  A filterable list to find all historical or current rounds
  • Schedules:   Define the frequencies at which new Monitoring Rounds will be created and the base Plan for the Rounds.

The Laboratories section is used to enter Laboratories to be used with LSPECS, and to review costs and historical requests related to each Laboratory. 

  • Laboratories: A list of Laboratories to be used with LSPECS
  • Quotes: Providing Analyses, Container and Cost Information
  • Costs: A summation of costs related to Laboratory Requests.
  • Lab Requests:  A list of all Laboratory Request for analysis of samples.


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