ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data

ESdat V 4 Knowledge Base

QA Samples

If the Sample details are entered into the ESdat Field App or PLog during sampling and an Electronic Chain of Custody is sent to the laboratory then all QA and other details will be automatically matched to the samples on import from the laboratory.

Sample Type allows the user to specify the QA Samples.


QA definitions are:

Sample TypeDescription
NormalA standard (Non-QA Sample)
Field_DA duplicate sample sent to the same laboratory as the “Normal” samples
Interlab_DA duplicate sample sent to a different (secondary)laboratory as the “Normal” samples
Field_BField Blank
Trip_BTrip Blank
CompositesComposite Samples (Specify 2,3 or 4 sample composite)
Trip SpikeTrip Spike
TSCA Control Sample that the Trip Spike results are derived from.

For a Field_D or an Interlab_D sample the user can specify the Parent Sample for the duplicate. This will then be used to calculate RPD values in the QA Reports. The Parent Sample will then be populated with the SampleCode of the Parent Sample, which is a laboratory generated code that is unique for each Sample.