QA settings can be configured so that you can more efficiently assess the quality of your lab reports. Multiple QA Setting Profiles allow you to quickly and easily apply the correct settings for your Project. The following can be set:
Sampling Frequency
QA sampling generally has to be completed at specific frequencies to satisfy regulatory or project requirements.
It is possible to set the number of specific QA Samples relative to Normal Samples, or to set the number of specific QA Samples per Sample Delivery Group or per Laboratory Report.
Field Duplicates and Interlab Duplicates (or Triplicates)
Field Duplicate RPD limits can be set for three different result ranges relative to the Quantitation Limit. It is common to reduce the accepted RPD at higher concentrations.
RPD Calculation
The RPD Calculation applies to Field Duplicates, Interlab Duplicates and Laboratory Duplicates.
In the above example screenshot for “Field or Interlab Duplicates” an RPD is not calculated where the result is less than 5 times the EQL.
In ESdat non-detects are managed as follows
- If both results are non-detects (even if the detection limit is different) then an RPD of 0 is given.
- If one result is a non detect and the other is a higher detect then the detection limit is used for the non-detect (eg if the two results are <2 and 3 then the values of 2 and 3 are used in the calculation). This prevents reporting potentially artificially high RPD values as would be the case if using half the detection limit.
Laboratory Duplicates
RPD limits for Laboratory Duplicates can be set as per for Field Duplicates, however can have different values (may be tighter)
Field Blanks
Detects in Field Blanks can be identified.
Laboratory Blanks
Matrix Spikes, Trip Spikes, Surrogates, Lab Control Samples, Standard and Certified Reference Materials
Matrix Spike, Trip Spikes, Surrogates, LCS, SRM and CRM samples can be configured to compare recoveries against laboratory provided Upper and Lower Control Limits. If lab UCL’s and LCL’s aren’t available, users can set their own UCL and LCL values.
Inorganic Validation
Acceptable ranges for Ionic Balance can be defined. TDS, Coliform and COD checks can also be enabled.
Default Formatting and Export All QA Options
To apply consistent formatting to all your QA outputs, you can choose a default formatting to indicate non-conformances. This formatting will be used for all QA outputs that have the “Use Default” option checked.
The QA Outputs that will be included when the user clicks “Export All” can also be set as shown below.