ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data

ESdat Header File

The ESdat Laboratory Report header file is a small xml file that contains information about the Laboratory Report. It allows Laboratory Reports to be automatically imported into Projects or to be matched to a Lab Request (eCoC) sent from LSPECS.

Updates to the Header File

The header file schema was extended in December 2020. The extended schema applies to ESdat Laboratory Data Formats 2e and 4. Key changes are:

Laboratories can provide a comment that applies to the entire lab report in the Header file.

Primary Recipient Org has been added and refers to the primary organization the results are sent to.

A lab report can be explicitly specified as "Preliminary" or "Final".

Definitions for Laboratory Qualifiers can be entered, which allows laboratories to flag results with laboratory defined qualifiers and to provide clients with the meaning of those qualifiers.

Laboratory report

Generating the Header file

Laboratories should auto-generate the Header file from their LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System).
The content of an xml file with example data is as below.

Values in selected will vary by laboratory report.

A xsd file “eLabReport.xsd” is available here.

A sample xml file "eLabReport_sample.xml" is available here.

A validation tool for the xml files can be downloaded here.

					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
            <ESdat generated="2013-08-16T08:09:51.278+10:00"
		<LabReport Lab_Report_Number="LR04927" 
                    Project_ID="Clients Project Number" 
                    Primary_Recipient_Org="ABC Consulting" 
                    Project_Number="Labs Project Number" 
                    Lab_Contact_Email="lab contact email for an error notification" 
                    Lab_Signatory="John Brown"
                    Comments="Laboratory Comment applicable to the entire laboratory report.">

                    <Associated_Files xmlns="http://www.escis.com.au/2013/XML/LabReport"/>
                    <Copies_Sent_To xmlns="http://www.escis.com.au/2013/XML/LabReport"/>

                    <eCoCs xmlns="http://www.escis.com.au/2013/XML/LabReport">
                        <eCoC CoC_Number="Test MR 1 for_Lab1_22/10/2012">
                                <Lab_Request  Number="1" Version="1"/>

                    <Lab_Qualifiers xmlns="http://www.escis.com.au/2013/XML/LabReport">
                        <Lab_Qualifier  Code="J+" Description="The analyte was positively identified; the associated numerical value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample, and may have a potential positive bias. "/>
                        <Lab_Qualifier  Code="J-" Description="The analyte was positively identified; the associated numerical value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample, and may have a potential negative bias. "/>



Date Reported
The date the Laboratory report was issued.
A Client Project ID as indicated on the electronic Request..
Valid values are "Preliminary" and "Final". This allows ESdat users to know if a lab report imported into ESdat is preliminary or the final report.
The primary organization the results are sent to. Often issued files are forwarded to clients or other organizations and this information allows the initial main receiving organization of the data to be known.
A Laboratory Project Number.
Error reports will be sent to this email as well as to the sending email
Free text, the name of the laboratory.
The Laboratory contact who has signed off on the results.
Comments made about the lab report, often made by the lab signatory.
Associated Files
A list of all the files that accompany this file. Optional.
A list of people who have been sent these results. Optional.
The SDG/COC Number indicated on the electronic Request.
Laboratory Request Number
As indicated on the electronic Request. The Laboratory Request Number will typically be 1, unless a client makes a request for additional analyses against the same Samples.
Laboratory Request Version
As indicated on the electronic Request. The Laboratory Request Version will typically be 1, unless a client has made a mistake and wishes to alter the request.

XML Schema Documentation

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