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ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data
Optional Upgrades


ESlog is simple, fast and intuitive web based software for the reporting of boring and well log data.

ESlog is a part of a full field to report solution, comprising PLog for field data collection, the data automatically synch’s back to ESdat for filtering and reporting in ESlog, potentially while field staff are still onsite.

ESlog is also available for free when used for manual data entry. Simply start using ESlog at

Groundwater Log Report

For Organizations that Rely on Environmental Data, ESdat Remains the Number One Choice

I like that I don't have to go through the data to find Guidelines exceedances.

Ryan Baxter, EBA Engineering

Important features include: "Time savings, especially for long-running sites (historical data). Reduction of errors (no transcription).

Amy Smith, Parsons Brinckerhoff

Laboratory reporting formats/QA/QC/TIME SAVING

Cameron Kay, Golder Associates

Have Questions?

If you are an existing ESdat user please use our user Forum to submit a request and our team will address your inquiry as soon as possible.
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