ESdat Implementation at Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Resources
The Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Resources, Mines
Home / Groundwater and surface water data management at MMG, Rosebury
As part of mining operations, MMG is required to conduct routine compliance surface water, groundwater, and air quality sampling. The frequency of sampling varies from biannually for groundwater bore monitoring to as little as every 6 days for high-volume air sampling.
Efficient management of the large monitoring data set is paramount given the license conditions imposed on the mine. Confidence in data accuracy is crucial in forming the basis for interpretation and subsequent operational decisions.
MMG has been using ESdat for over a decade to help manage all its environmental monitoring requirements.
MMG uses the LSPECS module of ESdat to plan and schedule recurring groundwater and surface water monitoring. This includes sampling plans, field program scheduling, and delegation, electronic lab quotes and lab submissions, tracking, and approvals. Field and Lab data are automatically loaded back into ESdat for rapid data analysis as well as the generation of standard reports for internal use and regulatory compliance.
MMG has implemented ESdat with great success, with key benefits including:
• Centralized storage of all environmental data in a single location.
• Easy to use intuitive web-based interface.
• Powerful querying of long-term historical data to identify trends.
• Complete electronic data capture solution.
• Measurable productivity gains, allowing more timely interpretation and decisions making.
“ESdat has been valuable to us, helping streamline data management for onsite environmental sampling in a functional, user-friendly way”
Bowen Wagenknecht, MMG Rosebery SHEC (Safety, Health, Environment & Community) Advisor
The Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Resources, Mines
Aquadata is the public interface of Shoalhaven City Council’s ESdat
The New Zealand Department of Defence and consultants Pattle Delamore
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